Michel van Dam ‘Noordwijk aan Zee is no more’. The changing streetscape and local architect-builders in the period 1887-1920 Erica Smeets-Klokgieters The Netherlands’ first architectural couples: women architects in their own right? Hilde van de Pol Amersfoort’s city walls. Development and redevelopment through the centuries
Book reviews
Hettie Peterse, Elsbeth Rooker, Rob Camps en Karel Emmens (eds.), De Stevenskerk. 750 jaar spiegel van Nijmegen (book review by Jeroen Westerman)
Jelle De Rock, The Image of the City in Early Netherlandish Painting (1400-1550) (book review by Boudewijn Bakker)
From around 1866, Noordwijk aan Zee morphed from a small fishing village into a fashionable seaside resort. Although this transformation was set in train by a local hotelier, it was not fully realized until 1887, thanks to the initiatives of a developer from outside the village. The evolution from fishing village to seaside resort followed the model formulated in 1980 by the geographer R.W. Butler. This model distinguished seven stages: exploration, involvement, development, consolidation, stagnation, decline and rejuvenation. In the period 1887-1920, Noordwijk aan Zee underwent the...
In the period up to the end of the Second World War, 21 women in the Netherlands completed an academic architectural course. Five of these women married a fellow architect and conducted a joint architectural practice with their husband. These practices profited from the post-war reconstruction boom and, in the 1950s and ’60s, from the growing demand for housing and utilitarian buildings.
Jannie Kammer-Kret, Toki Lammers-Koeleman, Jeanne van Rood-van Rijswijk, Koos Pot-Keegstra and Lotte Stam-Beese contrived to flourish in their chosen profession, and all had successful...
The development of Amersfoort’s two city walls can be divided into five periods. The first city wall was built in the first period 1259-1379. Although Amersfoort had been granted a charter in 1259, construction of the wall did not commence until after a serious assault by troops from the duchy of Gelre (Geulders) in 1274. The defensive wall was made stronger on that side, probably in expectation of more attacks from that direction.
Between 1380 and 1500 Gelre troops attacked Amersfoort on multiple occasions and offensive firepower increased. Interestingly, Amersfoort opted to...
Book reviews
Book review of a book written by Hettie Peterse, Elsbeth Rooker, Rob Camps en Karel Emmens (eds.)
Book review of a book written by Jelle De Rock